Scientific Experience
Last weekend we went to a Tulsa treasure!
It was the STEMCell Scienece Shop to visit our Flirty Grandma friend! If you have not been yet it is a must visit & if you are not in Tulsa you can visit these friends online:
Show & Tell: Raise your hand if you had a rock collection growing up? For real I hope you raised your hand! My rock collection came with me lots of times to show & tell at school. I was really lucky in kindergarten and had a little boyfriend who was a real smarty pants. We used to find broken glass and color it to look like gemstones and we watched Romancing The Stone. Which was not the best film to watch at that age. I do not want to give away to much if you have not seen it before. Just a great old school watch.
I got way off topic for a second, but the point is as a kid I was very curious about everything science. I had a microscope & would make my own glass slides of organisms to look at. In middle school I never really had a great science teacher or mentor that helped to show me other careers or options in science. I feel I got away from something I was so passionate about. Which I feel sadly happens to a lot of us growing up. Going to the STEMcell shop this past weekend and buying a geode with some other goodies helped spark the nostalgia & reminded me of all things science I adored.
You can treat yourself to a piece of the space shuttle, a Spinosaurus tooth, or a civil war bullet.
Now as an artist I want to play with a microscope and start a new rock collection to help inspire my art. This is such a magical store to visit at any age, but a great place to take kiddos in to explore.
Thank you STEMCell shop for the spark you ignited in me again!